My Story

I am Ummema, owner of the Bibra lake nursery. During covid, I start gardening as a hobby. Day by day I discovered myself a crazy plant lady! After three years I leave my professional job and turn my home as a nursery. My aim to help people who struggle to select plants and need caring tips.

If you entered my heaven, you’d find an array of full sun plants basking in the sunlight. I offered personalized recommendations based on the specific sunlight requirements of each plant, ensuring that every customer found the perfect addition to their sunny garden.

If you enter little bit more, you will be greeted by the presence of lush indoor plants. This indoor section is a green heaven for those who sought to bring nature indoors. Here you find small, medium, large even advanced size plants in an affordable price.

The succulent corner is the heart of the Lawn of the house. All over the boundaries, an array of shelves holding a vast collection of colourful water-wise wonders succulent. The great things of this corner, price is crazy cheap! Start from $2 only!

In this nursery I also keep some special fern like bird nest fern, silver lady, boston fern etc. Not a huge amount as I have only little place for the shade area. And different kinds of popular palms also available here.

Hedge plants are the major part of this nursery. For those looking to create green boundaries or screening, this is the best place. All popular kinds of Lilly pilly, African or Japanese boxwood, different types of viburnum species etc are available.

The most important part of this nursery is the dedication of customer service. And I believe this is a home shop where customer receive best plant, caring tips and advice. And so, in Bibra Lake Nursery -a place where the love for greenery flourished, one leaf at a time.

Ummema Asad


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